Frequently Asked Questions
Bus 22 or 23, get off at the stop De Schilp, from this stop it is about 10min walk to the practice of iheal located at the Anemoondreef 23 in Rijswijk.
Around the corner from the practice you can park for free (Strijplaan).
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible. Cancellations can be made up to 24 hours in advance. If you do not 24 hours in advance cancels, the cost will still be charged.
In exceptional cases – to be determined by iheal – it is possible to reschedule the appointment free of charge within 24 hours in advance. The rescheduled appointment cannot be cancelled free of charge thereafter.
Preparation can make for better results! Here are some recommendations.
- Don’t come to an appointment in a hurry. For example, take a walk for a few minutes beforehand.
- Turn off your phone before entering the practice so that you cannot be disturbed during the appointment.
- Dress comfortably.
Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to recover with a glass of water.
How annoying is it when you have extreme headaches or other symptoms on the weekend and you have nowhere to go! In exceptional cases, I make Saturday where possible time for you during the day. I can be reached at 06-48387914.
For emergency treatments on Saturdays, I charge a different rate, viz.
150% of the normal rate.
Preferably pay via payment request or appropriate cash.